

The Agency began operating in January 2016, with the aim of aligning Italy with its principal European and global partners in the endeavor of development. Its basic model reflects that used in the main European countries, and it must comply with the demand for more professional and innovative forms of cooperation, involving the methodological flexibility necessary in a continuously evolving scenario.

The Agency headquarters are in Rome. AICS runs another base in Florence and 20 field offices worldwide for assessing local needs, implementing development initiatives, monitoring results, and building partnerships on the ground. According to the law, the Agency’s mission is to “perform technical and operational activities associated with the examination, development, financing, management, and control of the cooperation initiatives”.


The Italian Foreign Ministry is responsible for the State’s functions, tasks, and duties in matters concerning Italy’s political, economic, social, and cultural relations with other countries.

As an integral part of our country’s foreign policy, the Italian Development Cooperation’s approach is based on two priorities: first, the need to ensure the protection of life and human dignity for all the planet’s inhabitants; and second, a vision of cooperation as a method by which to install, improve and strengthen relations among various countries and various communities. This peer-to-peer exchange, in addition to increasing that mutual understanding necessary for comprehending the real needs of the recipients of interventions, fosters relations aimed at economic and, most importantly, at social and human growth respectful of the environment and cultural variety and capable of protecting common assets such as water, food, and energy, so as to ensure the greater prosperity of populations and peace among people.

Italian development cooperation policy also aims to pursue these objectives along with economic, cultural, and security goals, by strengthening the role and image of our country around the world.

The Banca del Monte di Lombardia Foundation is a foundation of banking origin, established in implementation of the provisions of the so-called “Amato Law,” in July 1992, following the spin-off of the banking business transferred to “Banca del Monte di Lombardia S.p.A.” The Foundation exclusively pursues purposes of social utility and the promotion of economic development. The purposes of social utility are those constituted by the pursuit of purposes that have the direct or mediated function of making civil society grow, preventing, correcting, and improving specific aspects of social reality, and addressing emerging needs of community life.


The “Fondation Assistance Internationale” (FAI), or International Assistance Foundation, was created in 2002 by private donors and is a registered foundation registered under Swiss law.

The aims of the FAI are exclusively those of social and humanitarian solidarity and it is completely not-for-profit. Its work has been recognized as being of public benefit and it has thus been granted taxation exemptions.

The Foundation promotes international solidarity projects that seek local development and it supports the initiatives of local organizations and institutions that are committed to promoting the lasting development of systems showing absolute respect for individuals in non-European countries.