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Request for Research Proposals

REQUEST FOR RESEARCH PROPOSALS Analysis on firms and taxation using micro data from Uganda Questions on proposal process: 20 June 2022 UTC+3 23:59 Proposal submission:

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May 24th – O P E N D A Y

OPEN DAY – May 24th, 2022 PRESENTATION OF THE MASTER IN COOPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT POSTER When: 1.00 pm (UTC+1) Discussion with: Marco Missaglia – Development

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25° Anniversary (1997-2022)

June 21st 2022, 10.00 am (CET) 25 Years Together: Towards Sustainable Human Development At Almo Collegio Borromeo, Pavia (Italy) POSTER BLENDED MODALITY: > > Join

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On February 16th 2022 at 3.00 pm (UTC+1), WEBINAR held by Rossella Bottome. The topic is ‘FROM DATA ANALYSIS TO INTERVENTION: How migration and food security studies can shape decision making’.

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